Corporate Board

The members of the Board of Corporate Trustees for the Grand Lodge year 2023-2024 were:
            Dayton L. Berg, GM, Pres.                                  Foster D. Solem, DGM, Vice Pres.
            Robert S Davis, SGW, Sec.                                  Shawn R. Carrick, JGW
            Charles Brust, SGD                                            Bruce A. Carson, JGD
            Rolf M. Widstrand, PGM                                    Rolf M. Widstrand, PGM
The corporate Board is charged by the Minnesota Masonic Code to administer the financial affairs and other duties of the Grand Lodge during the period between Grand Lodge Annual Communications. For those purposes the Corporate Board met on 6 occasions in 2023- 2024:
            Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center, Bloomington         May 13, 2023
            Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center, Bloomington         July 8, 2023
            Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center, Bloomington         September 09, 2023
            Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center, Bloomington         November 11, 2023
            Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center, Bloomington         January 13, 2024
            Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center, Bloomington         March 09, 2024
The following occasional communications were held:
September 30, 2023        Lodge Hall Dedication for Cornerstone Lodge No. 99 in Underwood
The following reappointments to the Board of Trustees of Minnesota Masonic Charities were recommended for an additional three-year term:
MWB Dave Olson, PGM                                     Bro. Michael Rosenzweig
The following new appointments to the Board of Trustees of Minnesota Masonic Charities were recommended for a three-year term:
            MWB John Gann, PGM                                     
A motion was passed to approve the nominations of:
            Frank J. Spevak as Grand Treasurer
            Keith W. Reierson as Grand Secretary
The following disbursements from the Col. Ladd Memorial Fund were approved during the 2023-2024 fiscal year:
         Boy Scouts of America                        $10,000                     Friends of Scouting Support
         MN Assistance Council for Vets           $50,000                     Donation for Vets
         Eagles Healing Nest                            $20,000                     Donation for Vets
         Soldiers 6                                          $10,000                     Donation for support animal program
         South St. Paul Ed. Foundation-            $500                          Donation for Scholarship fund
         -Justin Meyer Mem. Scholarship        
         23rd Veteran                                      $10,000                     Donation for Vets
         Masonic Service Association               $5,000                       Hawaii Wild Fire Disaster Relief
         Lake Superior College Accts Rec.         $1,270                       FST Demonstration
         Voluntary Services, St. Cloud VA         $3,000                       Donation for Vets
         Minnesota Masonic Charities              $15,025                     Fire Suppression tools
         Minnesota Masonic Charities              $15,025                     Fire Suppression tools
         Masonic Service Association               $12,000                     Short Talk Bulletin Podcast Project
         G. W. Masonic Memorial                    $33,000                     Masonic History Preservation
The following disbursements from the Grand Lodge Benevolence Fund were approved during the 2023-2024 fiscal year:
         Lebanon Lodge #346                          $7,500                       Brother in Need
         Helios Lodge #273                              $6,000                       Brother in Need
         Minnesota River Valley Lodge #6        $6,000                       Brother in Need
         Minnesota River Valley Lodge #6        $2,500                       Brother in Need        
         Compass Lodge #265                          $2,500                       Brother in Need
         Western Star Lodge No. 26.                $5,000                       Brother in Need
         Hiram Lodge                                      $5,000                       Family in Need
The Corporate Board of Trustees wishes to thank every Minnesota Mason for their support and assistance each year. The devotion and dedication of the members of our gentle craft continues to inspire the Trustees to strive to be the best stewards of our Masonic heritage that we can be. May our combined efforts truly convince mankind of the goodness of our institution, and most importantly may those efforts cause our Supreme Architect to be pleased in our doing.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert S. Davis, Senior Grand Warden
Secretary, Corporate Board of Trustees

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