Honorary Memberships


To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Minnesota In accordance with the Standing Resolution adopted at the Annual Communication in 1955, presently coded as Section S1.08, it is with genuine pleasure that recognition be accorded the distinguished guest who has favored us with his attendance at this Annual Communication as well as at two previous communications of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, and the Committee therefore is privileged to submit the names and nominate them as Honorary members of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.

We have 3 new Honorary Members to recommend this year and are pleased to do so:

  • Most Worshipful Brother Chad Kainz, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of North Dakota.
  • Most Worshipful Brother Daniel Haugen, Grand Secretary & Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of North Dakota.
  • Most Worshipful Brother William ‘Bob’ Wedberg, Grand Treasurer & Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of North Dakota.

Respectfully submitted,
Roger J. Taylor, P.G.M., Chairman
Robert L. Darling, P.G.M.
Thomas G. McCarthy, P.G.M.
David E. Olson, P.G.M.
Terry L. Tilton, P.G.M.