Minnesota is pleased to have been honored with the presence of Distinguished Guests from Sister Jurisdictions and Appendant Bodies at our 170th Annual Communication. The inspiration their presence brings, demonstrates true brotherhood, friendship, and fellowship which is the epitome of Masonic relationships. The most hearty welcome is extended to each of you.
ILLINOIS – 1822 – Most Worshipful Brother David Lynch, Grand Master.
IOWA – 1844 – Most Worshipful Brother Darrell Fremont, Grand Master; Most Worshipful Brother Craig L. Davis, Grand Secretary, Past Grand Master, Honorary Member of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.
MANITOBA – 1875 – Most Worshipful Brother Kristjan Goodmanson, Grand Secretary and Past Grand Master.
SOUTH DAKOTA– 1875 Most Worshipful Brother Aaron Zahn, Grand Master.
ARIZONA – 1882 – Worshipful Brother James Xie, Junior Grand Deacon; Reed Houge, Senior Grand Steward.
NORTH DAKOTA – 1889 – Most Worshipful Brother Chad Kainz, Grand Master; Right Worshipful Brother Darrin Galde, Deputy Grand Master; Right Worshipful Brother Fred Kitko, Senior Grand Warden; Most Worshipful Brother William “Bob” Wedberg, Grand Treasurer and Past Grand Master; Most Worshipful Brother Daniel Haugen, Grand Secretary and Past Grand Master.
ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE – Worshipful Brother William G. Sizemore, II, Grand Executive Director of the Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction; Most Worshipful Brother Tony R. Krall, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Minnesota; Worshipful Brother Jerry B. Oliver, Sovereign Grand Inspector General Emeritus.
GRAND COUNCIL CRYPTIC MASONS OF MINNESOTA – Worshipful Brother R. Sean Gardiner, Illustrious Grand Master.
ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR – Sharon Barlow, Worthy Grand Matron; Worshipful Brother Steve Downs, Worthy Grand Patron.
ANCIENT ARABIC ORDER NOBLES OF THE MYSTIC SHRINE – Worshipful Brother Tim Jirak, Potentate, Zuhrah Shrine Temple.
GROTTO (Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm) – Worshipful Brother Stephen F. Kesler, Supreme Council District Deputy of Minnesota for The Grottoes of North America
DEMOLAY – Mr. Kaidyn Troy, State Master Councilor, Minnesota Order of DeMolay; Brother Aaron Brendel, Minnesota State Executive Officer.
ORDER OF JOB’S DAUGHTERS – Sasha Elavsky, Grand Bethel Honored Queen; Wendy Dimatteo, Grand Guardian; Worshipful Brother Brian Dimatteo, Associate Grand Guardian.
MASONIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION – Most Worshipful Brother Craig L. Davis, Administrator.
MINNESOTA MASONIC CHARITIES – Brother John L. Schwietz, Chief Executive Officer; Most Worshipful Brother Eric J. Neetenbeek, President; Lauren Hauter, Director of Marketing and Communications; Brother Markus Mueller, Development; Worshipful Brother Mark A. Anderson, Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center.
GRAND VIEW SYSTEMS – Worshipful Brother Jeffrey Clarke, General Manager.
Respectfully submitted,
Roger J. Taylor, P.G.M., Chairman
Andrew J. Rice, P.G.M.
Thomas G. McCarthy, P.G.M.
Robert L. Darling, P.G.M.