The duties of the committee are diverse and include the coordination of the various activities of the Area Deputies and District Representatives. These activities are regularly reported to the Corporate Board. The committee is composed of the AD/DR Chairman, all Area Deputies, the Chairman of the Board of Custodians, and the Junior Grand Warden.

The Area Deputies and District Representatives serve to support individual Lodges and function as the primary link with Grand Lodge.  During the past year, emphasis has been placed on working with Lodges to promote Grand Lodge events and to provide support where needed.  This included six Area Conferences, Schools of Instruction, and supporting Area Masonic Associations.  In addition, AD’s DR’s have been equipped with iPads and projectors to be able to provide more effective and consistent presentations to Lodges.

The training of District Representatives and Area Deputies is an ongoing process, which takes many forms. Primary among these is the AD/DR Conference, held each February. This year the AD/DR Conference was again held in Waite Park in conjunction with the Junior Wardens Academy, allowing us to meet and interact with upcoming Lodge Leaders. This training was well received, as in previous years, and will continue to be expanded upon as we plan future events. At this event, the ADs and DRs learn the duties of their office and receive instruction. Topics of current importance are reviewed and discussed. Further, the Area Deputies meet several times each year to track the progress made on the improvement goals we have set. Similarly, each AD meets quarterly with his DRs to discuss lodge issues and potential solutions. This year, we have continued to focus on our upward and downward communications. We also worked with the Committee Chairs to facilitate getting their respective messages out to the Lodges by utilizing the ADs and DRs. This allows for better communication with the Lodges and provides a more informed DR to assist the Lodge.

We continue to encourage Lodges to reach out to their DRs and ADs for assistance when issues arise. I would like to thank the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Past Grand Masters, Liaisons, Area Deputies, and District Representatives for their assistance in making this a successful year.

We wish to thank the following Brothers who have completed many years of service to the Grand Lodge and who are retiring from their positions:

  • Metrowest Area Deputy            Michael Hill
  • Northeast Area Deputy             David Sarazin
  • Northwest Area Deputy             Kenneth Friese
  • District Representative              David Dumonceaux, District 3
  • District Representative              Brad Linsten, District 4
  • District Representative              Jed Bendix, District 12
  • District Representative              Nathan Smithson, District 24
  • District Representative              Philip Carlson, District 31
  • District Representative              Keith Donaldson, District 36
  • District Representative              Jason LaVoi, District 43

Respectfully Submitted,

Donald J. Nolley, Chairman

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